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What to Do if You Are Injured In An Uber Accident?

Over 12 thousand Uber drivers give passengers rides in over 600 cities around the world. In 2007, Uber made 19 million in revenues, by 2017 that number exploded to 5 billion a year. It's safe to say that the public has embraced this unique form of transportation. 

What to do if you are hurt in an Uber accident

Even though Uber claims that they vet all their drivers, there is a high risk that sub-standard vehicles and drivers will enter this huge pool of drivers. If you are involved in an accident while riding in an Uber car, handle the accident the same way you would if you were in a private car. 

1. Asses the situation and call the police 

  • Immediately after the accident, seek medical attention for any one who has been injured, including yourself. Being in a car accident can be very scary, it's crucial that you stay calm. Don't leave the scene, wait for the police and have someone call an ambulance. Even if you feel fine, you should always visit an emergency room to rule out any internal or delayed-onset injuries. You should seek financial compensation for the injuries you have suffered, and ask your healthcare provider to provide you complete medical documentation of your injuries. 
2.  Call the police
  • You or your driver should immediately call the police to report the accident and to clear the roadway. Remember to only give facts and not your opinion to the police and/or the other people involved in the accident. 

3. Document the accident

  • It is essential that you begin collecting evidence in order to maximize your compensation for the injuries and emotional stress you suffered as a result of the accident. Document the accident by taking photos and videos of the crash scene. Also consider talking with the other driver and bystanders who witnessed the accident and get their contact information. 

Contact a Chicago Uber Accident Attorney 

Finding someone to pay for injuries sustained in a Uber accident can be a difficult task. Even though Uber does carry liability insurance, it is considered secondary insurance. This means that Uber wants the driver's insurance company to pay first before they agree to pay anything. Unfortunately, most personal auto insurance companies will deny claims for commercial activities. To have a successful personal injury lawsuit, you must prove that someone acted negligently. If the Uber driver has personal insurance on their vehicle, even if the accident was clearly their fault, it may be difficulty to recover compensation because personal insurance may not cover the driver if he is taking part in commercial activities such as ferrying passengers with Uber.

Uber has a $1 million insurance policy for its drivers, passengers, and third-parties that may get injured in an accident involving an Uber vehicle. However, it is common for Uber to deny injured victim's claims. Therefore, to bring a lawsuit against Uber and receive compensation for your pain and suffering, it is important that you work with an experienced car accident lawyer in Chicago who can guide you through the entire process and help you get the compensation you deserve.

In the event that the Uber driver carelessly caused an accident while they were between transporting passengers but were available to do so, Uber is not required to offer as much money and will likely try to downplay the accident. The driver may follow suit since their own personal insurance will be involved.

The two situations faced by passengers who were involved in an Uber accident and suffered injuries include:

The Uber Driver Caused the Accident – According to the law, ride-sharing companies like Uber must carry $1 million in insurance for personal injury and property damage caused by their drivers. Therefore, if you have suffered injuries due to the negligence of an Uber driver, you can bring a lawsuit against the company. But it’s important to understand that the insurance applies from the moment an Uber driver accepts your request to book a ride until the ride is marked completed by the driver.

The Uber Driver Was Not At Fault – In such a situation, you can bring a claim against the driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident. You will be able to get compensation only if the driver who was at fault has an auto insurance policy

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